Fall 2021 Lab Fellow:

Carol Herd-Rodriguez


I live in the meditation of composing paintings and drawings. The finished work a tangible result of the process. Hope, strength, nature, and abundance are ideas considered in my artwork. I intend for the viewer to find calm and peace through my work.

Palisades Abstract 2, 2020, Acrylic, Graphite, Charcoal on Paper, 22x30
Palisades Abstract 21, 2020, Acrylic Graphite, Charcoal, 30X40
Palisade: 51, 2020, Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas, 30X40
Hillside Memory, 2020, Pastel, Charcoal, Acrylic, Graphite, 11X14
Many Good Qualities: Abstract Landscape 7, 2020, Acrylic and pastel on Paper
Exigence of Tranquility: Intersection, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel Graphite on Paper
Looking for Sedona, 2021, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel, on paper, 18X12
Exigency of Tranquility: Emergence, 2021, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel, Pencil on Paper, 8X10
Exigence of Tranquility: Mergence, 2021, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel, and Pencil on Paper, 8X10
Exigency of Tranquility: Convergence, 2021, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel, Pencil on Paper, 8X10